“This is Maya, she is an eleven years old Shepherd mix. She has arthritis, and some food intolerance. She is not that friendly with men. She’s such an old stubborn lady!”
Rings a bell?!
Humans can be so skilled at focusing on what’s not working at times!
But let me be VERY clear
Animals don’t see themselves that way.
They don’t consider themselves “less than” nor do they like being described as such.
They don’t sniff around thinking that they are “old”, “bitchy” or “problematic”, and they certainly don’t want to carry the energetic burden that goes with it!
That way of thinking - focusing on what’s missing or what’s not working - is just humans’ stuff.
Animals are more in the perfection of the present moment.
They don’t live based on a set of definitions.
They just are.
When given the choice and the freedom to do so, they listen to their body and live accordingly.
No labels required!
Next time you introduce your animal to someone, notice the words you use and how you feel as it will shed some light on the way you see YOUR world.
It will guide you to uncover some of the conscious and unconscious beliefs that are guiding your thoughts and actions.
Animals are such wonderful guides!
They help you understand more of who you are, and help you uncover the very “labels” that are hindering your soul evolution.
They celebrate your beauty even when all you can see are the lines of time on your face.
They remind you of your strength when the ride gets bumpy.
They are your faithful compass when you feel you have lost your North star.
They love you unconditionally even when you fail to see how wonderful you are.
You get to choose what you want to see.
Train your brain to recognize the Spirit behind the physical body as it is in an eternal state of wholeness.